How to Share Jesus

Why SHARE Jesus?

Our church's vision is to impact our world for Christ, and one of the four ways we do that is to SHARE.

Sharing Jesus is a core aspect of the Christian faith, repeatedly demonstrated in the New Testament, including the commandment by Jesus to go make disciples of all nations. Our culture sometimes says: "Your faith is a private matter." But the Bible says there's not only a responsibility but a joy in Sharing Jesus with others!

Share Jesus Through BLESS

BLESS is a set of five simple practices each one of us can adopt that will help us impact our neighbors for Christ.

The Sermon Series

"B" -- Begin With Prayer (click here for sermon)
"L" -- Listen With Care (click here for sermon)
"E" -- Eat Together (click here for sermon)
"S" -- Serve With Love (click here for sermon)
"S" -- Share Your Story (click here for sermon)

BLESS Covenant Commitment

If you feel like God is encouraging you to BLESS at least one person who doesn't yet follow Jesus, will you make a Covenant commitment? Let us know by clicking below!

Make a BLESS covenant commitment

BLESS Resources: Tips, Advice, Tools

B:  Begin with Prayer

Most of the prayers by Jesus recorded in Scripture were prayers for people.Before He chose his disciples, He prayed for them (Luke 6:12). Before He sent them out in ministry, He prayed for them (Matthew 9:37). How much do you pray for your friends who don’t yet follow Jesus?

Easy Ways to Begin with Prayer

» Set a reminder on your phone to pray for the person you’re committing to BLESS this year.
» Walk in your neighborhood and pray for your neighbors.
» Become a prayer partner with someone else and keep each other praying.
» Pray for your BLESS commitment friend with your spouse or small group.
» Ask God to make clear an opportunity to BLESS someone in your neighborhood.

Books to Help You Pray

"How to Pray: Reflections and Essays" by C.S. Lewis. This short collection pulls together excerpts from C.S. Lewis’ writings on prayer. Click here for Amazon link.

Videos to Help You Pray

"Rediscovering the Art of Neighboring" by Jay Pathak. Discover how loving your neighbor begins with prayer (11 minutes). Click to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Praying for Unsaved Loved Ones" by Lee Strobel. Encouragement for persistent prayer for family and friends who don’t yet know Jesus (33 minutes). Click here to access on YouTube.

 "Your Kingdom Come"  by Pete Grieg. Part of "The Prayer Course," discover how God uses our prayer to make a difference in the lives of others (22 minutes). Click to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

L:  Listen with Care

Jesus is known for his talking and teaching, but He also did a lot of listening. In fact, much of His teaching was in response to questions. Sometimes we think that being a witness means talking, but most of the time we need to listen before we speak. 

A practical way to BLESS someone is to avoid the “casual conversation” by asking questions and truly listening to their answers. Then we can share how the Gospel is good news for their situation. 

Questions to Prompt "Listen" Opportunities

» Tell me your story.
» What’s your favorite ... (sports team, restaurant, etc.)
» What do you like to do with your free time?
» Who are the important people in your life?
» What do you think about …
» Why do you feel that way?
» What do you think about spiritual things?
» How can I pray for you? 

Videos to Help You Listen with Care

"Active Listening" by Bill Search. Four essentials for active listening (2 minutes). Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"What Are the Best Questions for Spiritual Conversation?" by Sean McDowell. Sean gives us some great ideas to start genuine conversations  (3 minutes). Click here to access on YouTube.

"The Art of Spiritual Conversations" by Reflections from multiple people about how to be genuine and caring in having conversations about faith (2 minutes). Click here to access on YouTube.

Books to Help You Listen with Care

"Gospel Fluency" by Jeff Vanderstelt. Understanding people’s real needs and communicating “good news” to them.  Click here for Amazon link.

"Please Listen to Me! A Christian’s Guide to Reflective Listening" by Dick Fetzer. If you want to learn how to become a compassionate and helpful listener, this book teaches you the practical skills you need. Click here for Amazon link.

"Walking with God: How to Hear His Voice" by John Eldredge. Listening to God and learning to hear his voice. Click here for Amazon link.

Article to Help You Listen with Care

"Why Listening Is a Key Practice for Evangelism" by Gino Curcuruto. This brief article describes why it is so important to listen first before trying to explain the Gospel to others. Click here to read.

E:  Eat Together

If we eat three times a day, we have 21 meals each week. When we invite someone to share one of those mealtimes with us, we are opening a door to relationship and friendship. 

Jesus ate with people so often, he was even accused of being a glutton! Jesus practiced and taught holy hospitality. He demonstrated the fellowship that can occur over a meal together. He was taking care of people’s physical and spiritual needs simultaneously. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” (Matthew 25:35)

Ideas For Eating Together

» Invite someone out for coffee
» Invite others to a meal at home or at a restaurant
» Bring some snacks while engaging in a common-interest activity (hobby, bowling, game night, etc.)
» Host a BBQ and/or firepit time (add some yard games)
» Order takeout and have a picnic
» Make a meal for someone who is shut in, then eat with them

Two Things to Remember

  • Whatever the activity, make sure you can share conversation and break bread together.
  • The meal does not need to be homemade; what matters is that you are sharing a meal.

Videos to Help You Eat Together

"The Gift of Hospitality" by RightNow Media. One teacher's example of hospitality. (3 minutes). Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Practice Gospel Hospitality" by Rosaria Butterfield. Three Christian leaders have a roundtable discussion on hospitality  (16 minutes). Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

Books to Help You Eat Together

"The Simplest Way to Change the World: Biblical Hospitality as a Way of Life" by Dustin Willis and  Brandon Clements. How to balance daily responsibilities and your desire to BLESS others .  Click here for link.

"Just Open the Door: How One Invitation Can Change a Generation" by Jen Schmidt. Personal stories and practical insights on opening up your home to others. Click here for link.

S:  Serve with Love

Although BLESS doesn’t have to be a step-by-step method, by “Beginning with Prayer,” and then “Listening with Care,” you will discover how you can “Serve” someone as well. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve …” (Mark 10:45). 

Ideas For Serving with Love

» Grab a rake and offer to get those leaves off your neighbor’s lawn. 
» Got a vegetable garden or flower bed? Share a bit of your harvest or foliage with someone at work. 
» Offer to babysit (for free!) so a friend or couple can enjoy a night out. 
» If a co-worker has just come back from a couple of sick days, ask what you can do to help them catch up on the workload. 
» Leave a positive online review for your favorite business or restaurant 
» Offer to walk an elderly neighbor’s dog when the streets are icy 
» Help someone with a resume or learn a needed job skill 

Videos to Inspire You to Serve with Love

"Serving is a Vital Gift" by Jay Hunt. Emphasis on serving within the local church (2 minutes). Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Transform Your Community by Serving" by Heather Zemple. A small group built a Field of Dreams in its community. Here's what you can learn from its approach. (6 minutes). Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Waverley’s Family Serving Together." How a young girl’s encounter with poor children transformed her  and her family. (3 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Serving Orphans" by Beth Guckenberger.  How one couple made a difference in the lives of children in an orphanage. (4 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Serving in Prison Ministry." A couple shares how serving for 15 years as a ministry team has changed their lives. (2 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Serving as Foster Parents." A young couple with two foster daughters shares the pain and blessing of serving and loving children, knowing that they may have to give them up some day.  (3 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Serving African Refugees." Three friends discover a household of refugees from Sudan’s civil war and help them find a new life in their new country.  (3 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Serving the Mentally Disabled." A young couple shares how their lives and their marriage were enriched when three young men with developmental disabilities moved into their home. (3 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Serving Senior Adults." A young woman becomes a regular visitor at a retirement home, sharing her life with those who felt isolated and abandoned.  (2 minutes) Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

Books to Help You Serve with Love

"Chicken Soup for the Soul: Volunteering and Giving Back" by Amy Newmark and Carrie Morgridge. Inspiring stories from volunteers who make a difference. Click here for the link.

"Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World" by Bob Goff. Bob’s life is a series of interactions that leave you wondering how he possibly could have done that, but he has blessed people all over the world. Click here for the link.

Articles to Help You Serve with Love

"Bible Verses About Serving Others" collected by Ashley Evans. Inspiration from scripture and Christian leaders, at Bible Reasons.  

"35 Random Acts of Kindness" from Serving should be intentional, but even random acts done in the right spirit may open doors and start the BLESS process.  

S:  Share Your Story

Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! (Psalm 96:3)

After the resurrection, the disciples shared the good news of Jesus and impacted the world. One historian said they “turned the world upside down.” As followers of Jesus, we have a wonderful story to share. When we share how God has made a difference in our lives, it helps others to see how God could work in their life. 

A Simple Approach to Share Your Story

A lot of people struggle with this one! But it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are three simple talking points: 

Part 1: My Life Before Jesus. Who were you? What was your life like?

Part 2: How I Met Jesus. What did you learn or experience that led you to invite Jesus into your life? How did you invite Jesus into your life?

Part 3: My Life Since I Met Jesus. How has following Jesus changed your life?

Share your answers with a friend. It will help you remember the main points when you have future opportunities.  

Videos to Help You Share Your Story

"Sharing and Listening" by Todd Phillips. (3 minutes) Wise advice on sharing your story with others. Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

"Steps to Peace" by Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. (3 minsutes) Help answering the question, “How do I become a Christian?” A simple presentation of the gospel by Billy Graham, with a simple sharing tool “Steps to Peace with God.” Steps To Peace - Steps to Peace 

"Witness at Work" by Right Now Media. An air traffic controller at a major airport shares how perseverance in sharing the Gospel and building friendships at work led to the conversion of a co-worker who was against religion. Click here to access on RightNow Media. (Don't have free RightNow Media access? Click here first.)

Books to Help You Share Your Story

"B.L.E.S.S.: 5 Everyday Ways to Love Your Neighbor and Change the World" by Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson. (208 pages) Click here to purchase at

"Gospel Fluency" by Jeff Vanderstelt. Leaving behind Christian jargon, Jeff challenges us to express the truths of the Gospel in everyday language (192 pages). Click here to purchase at


Make a Difference: How to Share Your Faith in Christ as a Lifestyle by Don Sunshine. A down-to-earth collection of stories of people starting spiritual conversations and sharing their story as part of their daily life. (138 pgs.)  Make a Difference: How to Share Your Faith in Christ as a Lifestyle: Sunshine, Don: 9781098057244: Books 


Your Home A Lighthouse: Hosting An Evangelistic Bible Study by Bob and Betty Jacks. Long-time Valley members Bob and Betty Jacks share the keys to the movement they started by opening their home to their friends to study the Bible together. Although this book was written in 1987, the principles they share about prayer, leadership, and loving your neighbor are essential for today. (156 pgs.) Your Home A Lighthouse: Hosting An Evangelistic Bible Study: Bob Jacks, Betty Jacks, Ron Wormser, Sr.: 9780891091271: Books 


More “Sharing” Wisdom Online 


What is a Christian Testimony? by Cru. The steps to creating a powerful personal testimony that you can share with others. What Is a Christian Testimony? | Cru 


Share the Gospel by Cru. A collection of helpful resources for sharing your faith with others. Share the Gospel | Cru 


Share Jesus Through a Drawing

"Creation to Conclusion" is a way to share Jesus through a five-step drawing that's easy to learn ... and easy to draw for someone else! It tells the entire arc of the Bible -- God's big story -- in just minutes. Below, Senior Pastor Rob O'Neal shares what each part of the drawing represents.

Share Jesus Through World Outreach

Participating in Valley's World Outreach ministry is a great way to share Jesus throughout the world. Whether you're praying for a missionary partner, giving to support our world and regional outreach partners, or taking a trip yourself, the goal is the same: help fulfill the Great Commission as Jesus commanded!  To learn more about World Outreach and how you can pray/give/go, simply go to our World Outreach page linked below.

go to the world outreach page